2.3 miles in Hayes Valley

 I never get tired of Hayes Valley.  I've been through this neighborhood several times and always find new things to fall in love with.

 For instance, this house.  Why are the windows and doors down the dead center of the house like that?  My mind is reeling with the possible floor plans inside.

The murals in this neighborhood rival those in the Mission.

This is the crown jewel.  The nightmare-inducing crown jewel.
Yes, that's me. (Sans baby weight. Whoot!)

You know what else I never tire of? Sidewalk stencils.

While in the hood, we decided to try the little carnival-themed restaurant, Straw on Octavia and Oak for dinner.  And I'm so glad we did!  This place is FUN!

Besides having a great gluten free menu and plenty of vegetarian and vegan options, the prices are reasonable, the mixed drinks are yummy, and they have crazy dishes like a burger with a bun fashioned out of glazed donuts.  The carnival theme is well executed in the details and the wait staff is friendly. 
Am I coming back to Straw again?  Absolutely!


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