2 miles in Excelsior

This, my friends, is the Excelsior neighborhood:

It's congested with pedestrians and smells of fried chicken and donuts.  None of which are bad things (in fact, the smell of donuts rocks my world), but it's probably best to take this neighborhood in small doses.  Two miles at a time is plenty.

Sam (my sister-in-law) and her son came along for the walk.

It was an especially gray evening.

But, the houses did a nice job of adding pizazz.

My favorite part of the walk was spotting all the short buses.

The baby liked the ornate yard sculptures.

And Sam thought the GIGANTIC sunflowers were amazing!

We all agreed this yard looked like the most fun...

...that this was the coolest short bus...

...and that this place smelled the best.  MmmmMMMmm...donuts! 
Too bad they are glutenous. 

Stupid gluten.


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