4.3 miles in Cole Valley

I know I've said this before about other neighborhoods, but seriously, I would move to this neighborhood in a heartbeat.  Cole Valley is FANTASTIC!

The microhood that has the amazing houses is Ashbury Terrace.

Every house is painted and maintained with care.


Ahh!  This is my dreamhouse in Ashbury Terrace.

Okay.  In order to have a valley, you have to have some hills.  So the top of the eastern hill of the valley is called Buena Vista Park.  It's a beautiful park with wide, paved paths.

As you make your way west down the hill and into the valley, you cross Cole Street, hence the name.  Cole Street is darling.

The cross-streets, Carl and Parnassus, are also darling.

As you head west on Parnassus Street, you will creep up another hill and arrive at the UCSF Medical Center.  A very fine hospital, indeed.

17th Street is a main vein out of Cole Valley.  If you head east, you end up in the Castro.  At some point, you pass through the streets with planetary names.  This one made me think of the movie, E.T.  Does that joke ever get old?

Have a great day!


  1. have you walked Edgehill Mountain? digging your posts. contact me if you wanna go exploring sometime!


  2. Ooh, I'm not sure! Is Edgehill in the Forest Knolls neighborhood or Mt. Davidson?


  3. Cole Valley is a great part of town. I used to live a few doors down from the medical center. It was great because I could get off the N Judah, and take an elevator home!

  4. Cole Valeey looks like a great place to live. Beautiful houses and really convenient access to public transit. Let's here it for the N Judah!


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